Tuesday, January 3, 2012

about sangywangy(sangwon)

My name is Sang Won Son from South Korea, 19 years old . I am studying at SSCC in Seattle.
I hate winter here. But I like Down Town here. It's like there is everything in Seattle.
Anyway, about me. I like to sing or listen to music,
 Music makes me clean my mind, probably u know what I mean. But I don't like country songs. That makes me sleep all the time I try to listen country songs. also I like American football. I used to play as high school player. Therefor, I like music and football. but I don't want to be singer or player. I am not really that good to be those.
 I like to be an accounter or CEO. Because I can make tones of money, so I can do whaever I want to.
Oh! here is one thing that I want you do, you can call me sangywangy, If you want to. That's it.
 It's all about me.

bye~ :)


  1. Sangwon, it's interesting that you used to play football. Did you play American football or soccer, which is called "football" in Britian and most of the world?

  2. I played American football in USA and Kore:)
    I am a fan of packers hahaha.

  3. I like to hear Country msic as well, have you heard about Christian Kane? I like his voice! -Duri

  4. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your music!-Steven

  5. American football...it's must be very exciting
